Aloola Healing


Gua sha is an ancient Chinese healing technique that involves gently scraping the skin with a specialized tools to stimulate blood circulation and promote lymphatic drainage. It is often used to relieve muscle tension, reduce inflammation, improve posture, fixing chronic pain or injury and promote healing. In this treatment we treat fascia tissue, and the most fascinating part of fascia is its role in emotional stress and trauma, because trauma will get stuck and stored in the fascia. By treating this area any stored emotions from trauma in that fascial restriction can be released resulting in less pain and an overall sense of lightness once the heavy weight of that trauma is gone.

Connective tissue, also known as fascia, is a network of tissue that runs throughout the body and supports all our body’s tissues including nerves, blood vessels, organs, bone, muscle, and brain tissue. When we experience trauma or stress, our fascia becomes restricted by the sticky ground substance that surrounds it, preventing it from gliding freely. This leads to physical symptoms such as chronic pain, tension, and discomfort. Fascia can exert 2000lbs/square inch of force on pain sensitive structures.

The fascia also plays such a large role in our posture, alignment, how we move and how we feel and can also affect the production of feel-good neurotransmitters like endorphins and stress hormones like cortisol. When we talk about adhesions and knots in fascia – a lot of that is caused by inflammation so think about how the fascia is affecting inflammation in our body and how by releasing these knots we can alter inflammation in our body. This is important since inflammation is the cause of so many chronic illnesses and disease.


Gua sha can help you e.g. with many different imbalances of the body and mind, such as

  • Headaches
  • Digestive problems
  • Swollen stomach
  • Intestinal problems
  • Tension neck
  • Sciatica syndrome
  • Tennis and golf elbow
  • Tendinitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Loosening muscle membranes (relax and improve the elasticity of the muscle and its function)

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The aim of the Fascia treatment

The aim of the Fascia treatment is to remove e.g. pain, promote the healing of connective tissue and remove adhesions.

When performing fascia treatment, the effect is always also on the muscles, and muscle membranes cannot therefore be treated without treating the muscles as well.

Membrane treatment affects fluid circulation, cleans the body of waste materials and improves blood circulation. It also relieves pain, revives metabolism and balances body functions.

If the symptoms are associated with psychological factors, the treatment may cause emotional reactions.

After the treatment

* plenty of rest and water

* no open swimming no exercise

* the day after stretching

Remember to drink plenty of water. Fascia binds to itself a lot of fluid, when it is treated, fascia releases fluid to the surrounding tissues. In order for the fascia to recover after the treatment, its fluid balance must be taken care of by drinking enough water.

Bleeding or bruising is normal (the membrane detaches from the muscle, a so-called healthy tear).

You may also experience headache, nausea or recovery pain.

Hard training should be avoided the day before the fascia iron treatment and the day after the treatment. Light movement for the whole body and treated areas is desirable.

Sometimes fascia treatment can make symptoms worse in the first few days after treatment, but this can be a sign that the treatment is starting to work.

Recovery after treatment

Recovery takes about 2-4 days, in some cases it can take up to 7 days.

The recommendation for the treatment
The recommendation for treatment is 3 x every week or regularly every month.
Contraindications to fascia treatment

Loose moles, serious skin diseases


Cancer or other serious illnesses

Blood thinners, heart pacemaker

Cortisone drugs, thin skin

Blood diseases, anemia, bleeding disease

Fever, inflammatory diseases

Sprains, recent injuries

The first 3 months of pregnancy

Heart failure, severe heart disease

Regular use of aspirin

Does the treatment hurt?
How you experience pain is individual. If the fascia is very tight, you may also feel pain when it is treated. The treatment is always done according to the client's wishes and tolerance.