Aloola Healing

Fire Cupping, also referred to as Cupping Therapy, is a Traditional Chinese Medicine therapy that works with your body's meridian system to open any potential stagnation or blocked points for a better flow of Qi (energy). This will also help to rejuvenate specific meridians and organs that have or are not functioning at their maximum potential. Cupping is a therapy that uses suction cups to create a vacuum effect on the skin. The cups can be made of various materials, including glass, silicon, or bamboo. Fire cupping involves briefly heating the air inside the cup before placing it on the skin, creating a stronger suction effect. Cupping therapy is used to improve blood circulation, relieve muscle pain, release tension and stimulates the body's natural healing process.

This therapeutic process is often compared to deep tissue massage, which is used to break up residual scar tissue gradually and reduce pain in the area. Similarly, cups are placed on the back, shoulders, neck, arms or legs or a specific area where the patient is experiencing pain.

The cups can be left in place for between five to twenty minutes, depending on the nature of the condition and what your practitioner believes will work best. Sometimes if the condition requires, we can also use techniques such as sliding the cups along the muscle to stretch, like in the action of a massage.

Generally, fire cupping is very therapeutic, with many patients reporting that the experience is relaxing and feels similar to a deep tissue massage. Although the red marks left after each session can look scary, cupping is not painful, and the therapeutic release you feel can last for weeks.


Cupping can help you e.g. with

  • Release tension 
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Remove slag
  • Repair cells
  • Hormone function
  • Nerve tension
  • Muscular problems (Relieve muscle pain, muscles recovery, loosens stuck muscle membranes)
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Stimulate the body's natural healing process (the memory of how to act)

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The aim of the Cupping treatment
Aim of the treatment is to release tension, improve blood circulation and stimulate the body's natural healing process (the memory of how to act). The treatment is good for different muscular problems.
After the treatment

Lots of rest and water

No open swimming

No exercise

Stretching the day after

Contraindications to Cupping treatment

Rubber/silicone allergy (glass cups and bamboo cups can be used in this case)

Moles, skin diseases / varicose veins, also operated

Cancer, other serious diseases / blood diseases, anemia, hemorrhagic disease.

Poor heart function, severe heart disease

Blood thinners, heart pacemaker

Some drugs: cortisone, regular use of aspirin

Pregnancy, pregnant women receive their own cupping treatment depending on the situation

Recovery after treatment and purging symptoms

Recovery takes about 2–4 days. The traces usually last 1–7 days on the skin, depending on the blockages in the area.

There may be bleeding or bruising when the membrane detaches from the muscle (healthy tear)

There may be headache, nausea or recovery pain

The recommendation for the treatment
The recommendation for treatment is 3 x every week or regularly every month.